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Mark your calendars for June 7th and 8th. Show will be in Sedalia Missouri at the Missouri State Fairgrounds. More information to follow so check back on our website at or on our Facebook page at showmegoldprospectors.
tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your enemies, tell everyone!!!!!!!
It will be a great show so we look forward to seeing you there. Gold Show times are as follows. June 7, 2025, 10:00am-5:00pm. June 8, 2025, 10:00am-4:00pm. Admission will be $10.00/person. 12 and under are FREE. Active duty military and veterans with proper ID are FREE. Forms of payment are, cash, credit card (Visa, MC, Discover, American Express), Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Venmo. There is a slight convenience fee for all payments except cash.
Potluck lunch, the main course is provide by the GPAA Chapter, and salads and deserts are donated by the members. We eat at 11:00 am the meeting starts around 12:00 noon, doors open around 9:00am, so come early to visit, sign in and buy tickets for the raffles. We always need help to set up tables & chairs before and after the meeting.
We meet at the Wellington Fair Building on the left side. The address is 109 E. 4th Street, Wellington, MO. The park is across the street.
More information on the Gold & Treasure Show, below!
Show Me Gold Prospectors Presents
Gold and Treasure Show
June 7th &8th, 2025
June 7th 10:00 to 5:00
June 8th 10:00 to 4:00
Admissions $10.00/Person-12 and under FREE
Veterans/Active Duty Military FREE with proper ID
(There's a 4% convenience fee for CC, Venmo, Apple or Google Pay Payment)
Missouri State Fairgrounds
Mathewson Exhibition Center
2503 16th St.
Sedalia, MO 65301
We will have a raffle on each day for Prospecting and Metal detecting items!”
If you are looking for an outdoor activity, check out Show Me Gold Prospectors website, for more information about our club.
There are no dues to join.
We meet the second Saturday of the month, January – September 11:00am, and the First Saturday of October & November. We have no meeting in December. The following meeting dates are set for 2025; January 11th, February 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 14th, July 12th, August 9th, September 13th, October 4th, November 1st (All Gold Raffle). We have our meeting at the Wellington Fair Building on the left side. The address is 109 E. 4th Street, Wellington, MO.
For additional information and to receive a contract, email or call:
Treasurer: Robert Quick
Show Me Gold Prospectors
2487 N. Honeysuckle Way
Springfield, MO 65802
No matter how you found us we are glad you came and we hope we can help you with your interest with the would of prospecting.
First a little about us. We have been around since 2003 with Doug Foster and Tom Gabriel starting the club, it originally met in Smithville, Mo. where it quickly outgrew the meeting place. The club is a Chapter of a nationally known organization called "Gold Prospectors Association of America" or GPAA. There is a sister organization called "The Lost Dutchman Mining Association" or LDMA.
Since we are a chapter of GPAA we have adopted the suggested basic constitution put out by GPAA. Therefore our officers and board member are required to members of GPAA to hold office or to vote in elections. You DO Not have to be a GPAA member to belong to our chapter.
But the benefits is great to be a member.
You may have noticed there are at least two or more raffles going on before the meeting. One is run by the chapter and may also include a 50/50, and a large item raffle. Since there are NO Dues this is how we pay for the meeting place, food and other items needed to run a large fun loving club.
We also have a store that is run by our Treasurer Robert Quick. This is also a fund raiser but is mainly there for the convenience of the club members. You may buy anything from T-Shirts, panning bags and gold prospecting tools in the store.
1. When you get there hopefully about 30-45 minutes early the first thing to do is to sign in with the Secretary William Hoops, if you are new or if you are a member the secretary has two sign in sheets. Also if you change your address, phone number or email please make sure to give it to the secretary William Hoops. Plus let him know if you are a member of GPAA or LDMA.
2. (a) If you have any items for the raffles donate them now. The mining rights raffle has a special raffle every month just for people who donate to that raffle. Then you will receive one special ticket for that donation.
(b) Buy some raffle tickets this is how we support the chapter and pay the bills.
Show Me Gold Prospectors is a chapter of Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA).
On May 3rd, 2003 Show Me Gold Prospectors was founded by a group of prospectors who shared similar interest and goals.
*Our Goals*
* Share the hobby of prospecting with others.*
-We all enjoy prospecting for different reasons. As a chapter we always look forward to sharing our hobby with others.-
* Help educate the public on the benefits of
recreational mining*
-There are many benefits to recreational mining.
So, it's important for us as a group to educate
the public on these benefits.-
*Attend functions and hold group outings. This will allow for members & any potential members to learn about & practice
the hobby of prospecting.*
*Hold regularly scheduled meetings to share concerns and knowledge on issues related to the hobby of gold prospecting.*
*Find additional locations in
Missouri for everyone to go prospecting*
*Expand our network of prospecting friends.*
*We also share the hobby of metal detecting.*
Our chapter has no dues. It is solely self-supporting through raffles held at each meeting. You do not need to be a member of the GPAA to join our chapter; only to vote on chapter issues or hold a chapter office. Our chapter welcomes new members! We have over 200 members on our roster from all over Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa. Most of ours meeting we have about
60+ people in attendance.
There are enough experienced members to
help those who are just starting out in the
hobby of gold prospecting and metal detecting.
Show Me Gold Prospectors meetings are held in Wellington, MO. Our home base meeting place is the Wellington Fair Board building in Wellington, MO. The Fair Board building is located on the NE. corner of the square in the town of Wellington, MO north of 24 Highway on to 131, at the roundabout, to 109 E 4th street next to City Hall by the Park. We normally meet the second Saturday of each month at 11:00 am. with a potluck lunch, the main course is provide by the club, and salads and deserts are donated by the members. We eat at 11:00 am the meeting starts around 12:00 noon. There is always plenty of free coffee and ice tea. Snacks are often brought by members as well. Please bring your own soft drinks or beverages. So come early to visit everyone. October and November our meeting changes to the first Saturday of the month at 11:00 am. November meeting is the last meeting of the year, with a all gold raffle give away. Members and non members are welcome to take part in this by purchasing raffle tickets. December we do NOT have a meeting.
Doug Foster-President Emeritus:(2024-2026)
Joyce VanSickle: (2023-2025)
Earl Kallansrud: (2024-2026)
Tim Woodard: (2023-2025)
Roger Hunt: (2024-2026)
Gold Prospectors Association of America
Missouri State Director:
Doug Foster-President Emeritus
Roenna Johnston
President: Lanny Sellers
Vice President: James Myers
Secretary: Sharon Foster
Treasurer: Robert Quick
Outings Director: Sharon Foster
These are a few of the Charter Members of Show Me Gold at our meeting April 10th, 2021.
Judy Thompson, Doug Foster, Tom Thompson, Tom Gabriel, Steve Wolak, Sharon Foster and Shirley Kephart. The club would like to thank them for starting the Show Me Gold Prospectors.
Our first meeting on May 3, 2003, 77 people met in Smithville. In June
2003 we elected officers and voted on chapter name.
We meet in the build on the left side. The address is 109 E. 4th Street, Wellington, MO. The park is across the street.
If you would like to learn more about metal detecting or gold prospecting come an join us. Everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!
"Get you membership kit today at Gold Prospectors of America! Tell them that you are a member of
Show Me Gold Prospectors.
Gold Prospectors Association of America
43445 Business Park Drive Suite #113
Temecula, CA 92590
Toll Free: 800-551-9707 (United States Only)
Local: 951-699-4749
Fax: 951-699-4062
General Information:
LDMA Information:
Show Me Gold Prospectors